What You Can Expect
What You Can Expect on Sunday Mornings:
Our schedule changes slightly from week to week, however on most Sunday mornings this is what you can expect:
- We want to warmly welcome you as you arrive. There are designated greeters who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
- Our time of worship will consist of several elements. Please feel free to participate as much or as little as you feel comfortable.
- On a typical Sunday we will spend our time singing together. Mixed in with the songs will be prayers, readings and possibly special presentations, dramas or videos – depending on the week.
- At some point an offering will be collected. This is an opportunity for our regular members to contribute to the work we are doing – if you are visiting with us, please do not feel obligated to give.
- We celebrate communion every Sunday. This is a time for followers of Christ to commemorate His sacrifice on the cross and our salvation through Him. Trays will be passed around with cracker like bread and individual cups of grape juice. If you do not wish to participate simply pass the tray on to the next person in your row.
- At some point in the service, typically towards the end, children will be dismissed to classes. Classes are divided by age and/or grade which is clearly marked on the class room doors. If you have any difficulty finding the right class for your children don’t hesitate to ask and we’ll be happy to help out.
- While the children are in their classes there will be a time of teaching and encouragement for adults in the auditorium. We attempt to make these times practical and understandable for everyone. Any Bible references will be displayed on the screen.
- Worship time usually ends with a song and/or a prayer. Following service we invite you to stay around . We’d love to meet you and get to know you a little better.
- There is a prayer room available at the conclusion of our worship time where anyone who wants to can have someone pray with them or for them.