September 23, 2018
Starting Over read more...Paul examines how we, who were once dead, are made alive again, and those who used to be foreigners are made citizens of God’s Kingdom.
listen nowDecember 4, 2011
Stand Up, Stand Still read more...The birth of Christ as seen through the eyes of Simeon and Anna.
listen nowMarch 30, 2008
stan read more...March 30, 2008
stan read more...March 30, 2008
stan read more...February 24, 2013
Stadium Expansion read more...Commissioned by God: Worship Reveals God. When God’s people worship Him it strikes a chord in the heart of observers that resonates with the unmistakable truth of God.
listen nowNovember 24, 2013
Spirituality 101 read more...What is spiritual transformation? How does it happen? Is it something that happens to us or something we do for ourselves?
listen nowMay 19, 2013
SPICED: The True Friend read more...Not everyone is willing to put your best interests above all, including their own interests. Friends like that are tough to find, but David found one in the son of his nemesis of all places!
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