
November 24, 2013
Spirituality 101
What is spiritual transformation?  How does it happen?  Is it something that happens to us or something we do for ourselves?
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May 19, 2013
SPICED: The True Friend
Not everyone is willing to put your best interests above all, including their own interests.  Friends like that are tough to find, but David found one in the son of his nemesis of all places!
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June 16, 2013
SPICED: The Protege
 The only thing that truly endures is the time and energy we pour into the lives of those coming after us.   Your wisdom, knowledge and experience can accomplish exponentially more if you invest in it someone else than you can possible do on your own.
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May 26, 2013
SPICED: The Motivator
Admit it,  every now and then, what you really need is someone to come along and give you a good kick in the backside to prompt you get up, get out and get done what you need to do. 
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June 23, 2013
SPICED: The Mentor
The only thing better than a road map is the company of someone who has already made the journey.  The best way to navigate what lies ahead is to place yourself under the wing of someone who can look back to where you currently stand.
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July 7, 2013
SPICED: The Investor
You need someone who is willing and able to invest in your life in ways that empower you to succeed in things you could never accomplish on your own
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June 9, 2013
SPICED: The Encourager
When times are tiring and the light at the end of the tunnel starts to fade we all need someone who will come along side us and say “You can do it!  Don’t give up!”
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May 5, 2013
SPICED: The Editor
It takes a special person to be able to speak into your life and challenge your errors in thought or action in a way that leaves you wanting to say thank you.  That’s what Nathan did for King David.   Life Editors like Nathan are not easy to find, but they are worth the effort.
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May 12, 2013
SPICED: The Dreamer
 In our world it is easy to become jaded, cynical and skeptical.  Everyone is out for their own.  Everyone is working an angle.  You need someone in your life who is able to dream about what could be to balance out all the voices griping over what currently is.
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July 14, 2013
SPICED: The Community
Community is less of a spice and more like the stew to which all the other spices are added.  It is in community that we are able to find those who will be our editor, dreamer, protégé and encourager.  It is in community that we make ourselves available to others to be a mentor, defender, […]
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