November 4, 2012
Jesus & the Man Born Blind read more...Jesus heals a blind man and in doing so teaches us about the things that are most important to the heart of God.
listen nowOctober 21, 2012
Jesus & the Multitudes and Peter read more...Jesus feeds 5000 men with a small child’s lunch and in doing so teach us that God can turn the little we have to offer into something incredible. Then, Jesus takes a stroll across the lake with Peter and in doing so teaches us the importance of relying on God to keep our head above […]
listen nowSeptember 9, 2012
Jesus & The Newlyweds read more... Jesus turns water into wine and in doing so teaches us the importance of celebrating life and how the little things really DO matter.
listen nowSeptember 30, 2012
Jesus & The Samaritan Woman read more...Jesus has an afternoon chat with a Samaritan woman and in doing so teaches us how to see people through God’s eyes.
listen nowOctober 28, 2012
Jesus & the Woman read more...Jesus encounters a woman caught in adultery then writes in the sand and in doing so teaches us that we are all desperately in need of God’s grace and forgiveness.
listen nowOctober 13, 2013
Jesus 101 read more...Did Jesus really exist? Is Jesus who he said he was? What was his purpose and mission? Is Jesus just one of many ways to God?
listen nowOctober 7, 2012
Jesus and the Man at the Pool read more...Jesus heals a lame man by the Pool of Bethesda and in doing so teaches us the power of a willing and obedient heart.
listen nowAugust 17, 2014
Jesus Only? read more...A look at the controversy between Jews and Gentiles in the early church and what it can teach us about God’s grace and our salvation.
listen nowMarch 26, 2017
Jesus talks about God read more...Jesus reveals God’s end game
listen nowFebruary 20, 2017
Jesus talks about the Good Shepherd read more...Jesus demonstrates His compassion for and patience with humanity.
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