October 16, 2016
Satan vs Jesus read more...Guest Speaker Jimmy Sites –
listen nowJanuary 10, 2010
Say It Don’t Spray It read more...Jesus interacts with people from the cream of the crop to the dregs of society and His message is always the same, "Your faith in me matters more than anything else"
listen nowMay 17, 2020
Screendoors on Submarines read more...Aligning your talk with your walk.
listen nowFebruary 18, 2018
Search Party Dispatched! read more...Jesus reveals God’s heart for His lost children.
listen nowFebruary 14, 2016
SEE read more...Jesus uses everyday items and events to explain the Kingdom to His followers
listen nowJuly 1, 2018
Selfishness read more...Perhaps the most seductive message our culture constantly tries to sell us is that “It’s all able ME”. And although taking good care of myself is important, when what I want becomes more important than anything else, serious problems quickly arise. God desires something so much better for us: Usness
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