Our Leaders

Our congregation supports two full time a workers who provide leadership and training for our members. Their example in service and ministry to the community provides opportunity for practical learning experiences in meeting the needs of others.

Lead Minister – Mike Parker

Mike began his work with our church in December 2008. He as over 25 years of ministry experience in three different churches in western Canada.  Mike and his wife, Michelle, have two teenage boys.

Email: skchurch.mike@gmail.com

Associate Minister – Ariel Bloomer

Ariel moved to Canada in January 2024 to begin working with our church family.  She was born in Ohio and comes to us with a variety of ministry experiences.  Her ministry is focused on youth, young adults and community life.

Email: skchurch.ariel@gmail.com


Our congregation functions under the leadership of our Shepherding Couples. These are people of wisdom and experience who are walking with God and providing spiritual counsel for disciples of Jesus today.

Email: skchurch.shepherds@gmail.com

Bob Parker & Sharon Parker

Bob and Sharon have been part of our church family for more the forty years.  Bob spent the majority of those years on our ministerial staff while Sharon was actively involved in many areas of ministry and service.  They have two sons and four grandchildren.

Murray & Christy Sanders

Murray and Christy are a retired couple from….Western Canada and Oklahoma!   They have two daughters (one in Saskatoon, one in Edmond, Ok), a son-in-law (who they are keeping) and the BEST granddaughter in the universe.  They have been active Christians for most of their lives (at least early 20s on).

Ministry Leaders

A number of volunteers serve the congregation as ministry leaders. These people give generously of their time and energy to help us accomplish the goals of various programs and ministries of the congregation.