Life & Ministry Centre  
Leadership - Elders Staff - Ministers Deacons and
Ministry Leaders

Ian MacLeod - Ian is a teacher at SIAST [Kelcy campus] in the adult education program.

Harold Orr - Harold is a retired engineer from the National Research Council.

Dave Patterson

Brad Peterson - Brad is a Shop teacher.

Seeking to follow the example and admonition of Acts 20:17; 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1, our congregation functions under the leadership of two elders or shepherds. These are men of wisdom and experience who are walking with God and providing spiritual counsel for disciples of Jesus today.

Bob Parker - Bob is  our senior minister and brings with him many years of experience in mission work, counseling and ministry.

Bernard Krogsgaard

Summer Intern - Each year we employ a high school/college student to work in a training/apprenticeship program. The term is usually 12 weeks and the student helps with a variety of activities including our summer camps.

Our congregation fully supports two full time workers who provide leadership and training for our members. Their example in service and ministry to the community provides opportunity for practical learning experiences in meeting the needs of others.


A number of volunteers serve the congregation as deacons or ministry leaders. These people give generously of their time and energy to help us accomplish the goals of various programs and ministries of the congregation.